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Here are the list of events provided by McEasy:

Device Events

1Data UpdateLocationDVC-DU1/L1
2Data UpdateTemperatureDVC-DU1/T1
3Data UpdateFuelDVC-DU1/F1

Data Structure

All time related data -- unless specified otherwise -- will have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS +0000. And they are sent in Greenwich (UTC) timezone.

Location Data Update (DVC-DU/L1)

license_plate: string,
hull_no: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
speed: int,
direction: int,
engine_on: bool,
last_packet: string,
last_receive: string,
last_motion: string,
motion_status: string

Temperature Data Update (DVC-DU/T1)

license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
temperature_num: int,
temperature: float,
engine_on: bool

Fuel Data Update (DVC-DU/F1)

license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
liter: float,
percentage: float,
engine_on: bool

Overspeed Alarm (DVC-A1/O1)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
speed: int

Geofence Alarm (DVC-A1/G1)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
condition: string, // Going in or out of geofence. Possible values: in, out
geofence: string // Name of the geofence

Temperature Alarm (DVC-A1/T1)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
condition: string, // Higher or Lower than alert threshold. Possible values: lower, higher
temperature: float,
origin: string // Origin of the temperature alert. Possible values: refrigerator, engine

Fuel Alarm (DVC-A1/F1)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
condition: string, // Gaining or Losing fuel. Possible values: gain, loss
percentage: float,
capacity: float

Door Alarm (DVC-A1/D1)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
door_num: int, // Indicates which door sensor it is. Possible values: 1, 2
condition: string, // Is door opened or closed. Possible values: open, close
address: string // Address of the coordinates

Tamper Alarm (DVC-A1/T2)

event_timestamp: string,
license_plate: string,
imei: string,
driver: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float